Hate list
- I hate rich people and big entities that cheat BIR. Taxes here are lower compared to those of other countries yet many still misdeclare their incomes. Result: The government taxes everything, even basic commodities are taxed! For me higher taxes should only be imposed on luxury items. Spare the poor.
- I hate self righteous people. As I see it, these people really do think that they have a monopoly of God and all things godly. I always see these people on TV, I even meet some everyday. The moment they open their mouth, my ears automatically shut down. This doesn’t mean that I’m anti-god or anti-religion. I just hate holier than thou people.
- I hate Filipino primetime TV. All channels air worthless, good-for-nothing and endless telenovelas. Television as a medium should enrich and nourish our minds and make us think, and not feed us with such crap.