Monday, June 13, 2005

Dr Madec's 20 Point Plan against PMWS

Oo, nagkita ko na sya, speaker sya sa isang seminar na nadaluhan ko sa Makati. Galing pa yang France.

1. All-in/all-out and empty all pits and clean and disinfect between batches.
2. Wash sows and treat for parasites before farrowing.
3. Limit cross-fostering to that which is necessary within 24 hours of farrowing.
Post weaning
4. Small pens (<13) and solid partitions.
5. Empty pit and clean and disinfect, sticking to all-in/all-out.
6. Lower stocking density (3 pigs per square meter or 0.33 square meters per pig).
7. Increased feeder space per pig +7cm/piglet.
8. Improved air quality.
9. Improved temperature control.
10. No mixing of batches.
11. Small pens, solid partitions
12. Empty pit, clean and disinfect and maintain strict all-in/all-out policy.
13. No mixing of pigs from the post-weaning pens.
14. No re-mixing between finishing pens.
15. Lower stocking density: + 0.75 square meter per pig.
16. Improved air quality and temperature.
In addition…
17. Appropriate vaccination program.
18. Sensible flow within buildings (air and animals)
19. Strict hygiene (tail and teeth clipping, injections and others)
20. Early removal of sick pigs to a hospital room, or euthanasia.