Monday, June 13, 2005


Our cooperative has a very long and detailed Panunumpa ng Kasapian which I find so outlandish. I don't know who wrote this or whether it's being used by other cooperatives in the Philippines.
Here it goes:
I pledge to do my part as good member-patron and assume the responsibility in the cooperative association that has been voluntarily established to serve my community.
I will
Be loyal, and consider myself a part of and not apart from my cooperative association.
Recognize the financial needs if the association and as a good member-patron willingly furnish my share of the required capital.
Support the cooperative association with my patronage, to the fullest extent possible, and encourage others to do likewise.
Help establish and vote for policies for the association which will be fair for all.
Vote for and urge the election of directors, including older, experienced and younger members, who are capable, progressive and willing to give close attention to the affairs of the cooperative.
Carefully read and study the articles of incorporation and by-laws and sincerely try to comply with the provisions in these guidelines and with policies adopted by the board of directors.
Seek full information about the association and study the problems so that I can ask for advice and vote intelligently, and adopt up-to-date and effective methods and procedures.
Do independent and careful thinking and express my honest opinion, but be open-minded and be a team worker.
Curb emotions and apply reason and common sense to all association affairs.
Remember that membership in the association carries with it the obligation to abide by the decision of the majority even when I am in the minority.
Pay cash, if possible, for all goods and services obtained from the association and in any event pay my accounts promptly in accordance with the established credit policy.
Be prompt and attentive at all association meetings and prevent loss of time.
Participate actively in meetings of the association, but take only a reasonable and proportionate share of the time for discussion so that the other members may also have an opportunity to express their views.

I will not
Consider my cooperative as just another place to buy and sell.
Expect privileges from the association that are not available to the other members.
Insist that my ideas shall always prevail.
Approve the employment of close relatives of directors and executives in the association.
Unfairly criticize the directors, the management and other employees or members of the association.
Carry grudges against members, patrons, directors, the management or employees.