Monday, June 11, 2007

Employment of Veterinarians in the Philippines

More than half of practicing veterinarians in the Philippines work in farms (cattle, swine or poultry). Most are employed by the government under the Department of Agriculture and under local government units as provincial, city or municipal veterinarian. There are others who work in drug and distribution companies, as consultant or as technical sales representative.
Other veterinarians teach in veterinary schools and some have companion animal clinics. Veterinary clinic or hospital is a good business plus you get a chance to be "real" doctor.
If the type of employment of my batch mates will be ranked, it would look like this, from most to least:
  1. Farm practice
  2. Sales, marketing
  3. Government
  4. Clinics
  5. Equine practice
  6. Educational institutions
  7. Exotics
  8. Research
  9. Others
I'm categorized under number 1.