Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Four Stages of Team Development

The Four Stages of Team Development

This is from my notes when I attended a workshop a few years ago.

1. Forming stage.

It is the stage when the team first gets together with its common objective.
Build trust and confidence.
Members get to know each other.

2. Storming stage.

Begins when competitive or strained behaviors emerge.
Initially involves resistance and impatience with the lack of progress.
Team members may challenge the leader.

3. Norming stage.

Team members become increasingly positive about the team as a whole, the other members as individuals, and what the team is doing.

Rules of behavior are shared and enforced.

4. Performing stage.

The team adheres to the policy and procedures and begins to work effectively toward the objectives.

Build openness.

Manage change.

Celebrate achievements.

On which stage are you now? I've been through all of these stages, but I'm surprised I'm again on the second stage!

The facilitator of the workshop mentioned that the Storming Stage usually occurs on the sixth month in a new workplace.