Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Five Years Ago

Five years ago:
  1. I'm in Los Banos, staying at the cheapest but the best dorm in Rhoda's Subdivision.
  2. I am reviewing for the board exam on my own because I didn't have 10, 000 to pay for formal review classes at the VMLE Review Center.
  3. I'm focused on finding a work, but I don't have any particular field in mind.
  4. Other than my parents, I don't have other source of money.
  5. I own a blue Alcatel cellphone that is always on ALL CAPS whenever I compose SMS, unlike Nokia phones that on default is in Sentence case.
  6. I think I lost my baby pic that I'm supposed to submit to the class for our hooding ceremonies. It turned out that I am the only one without a "before" photo being projected on the screen while my name is being called. *Sad*
  7. I was given a sermon by my thesis adviser before he gave my grade to me, because I failed to do something that he wants. Looking back at it now, I have to thank the adviser for giving me that sermon. In a way it worked, because in times of difficulty, I recall this instance and I'm able to say to my self that "You know you can do it!".
  8. My favorite comfort food is Lucky Me Pancit Canton with hot and spicy Century Tuna.
  9. I easily fall asleep, unlike now.
  10. I watch television like mad. From morning to past midnight. I actually read my old notes in front of TV. At that time I was thinking that if ever I fail the board exam, I would blame it on TV!