Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Kaspersky Disaster

I tried Kaspersky antivirus Sunday because I felt my laptop was slowing down. I was previously using AVG.

Lesson #1. Do not install another antivirus without properly uninstalling the first.

I uninstalled AVG but it was not completely uninstalled. I should have made it sure that nothing hidden remained.

Lesson #2. Partition your drive and backup!

Thankfully I was able to partition my disk during my last OS installation. I used the second partition to store the files that I don't frequently open and use. So all my files are SAVED.

Lesson #3. Securely store all the drivers.

Unfortunately, the b#$%* that man the store where I bought the laptop didn't give me the right CDs. The driver for the video card was not available. I had a hard time looking for it in the net because it's a little obsolete.

Lesson #4. Backup (again!) redundantly

I am currently working on my MS thesis so missing a file and retyping is not an option. I have my backup files on my Yahoo inbox, CDs, my SD card, and several thumb drives. I recognize an OC behaviour now, he he.

Lesson #5. Stay on your favorite, trusted antivirus.

I'm now using Norton. It's the best among the softwares I've used.

Total cost of my Kaspersky disaster:

800 pesos for reformatting (labor)
2 days off on thesis work