Monday, November 30, 2009

I Like

What I liked about this trip are:

1. The relative ease of arranging for transport and tours in Saigon. Booking offices are left and right in Pam Ngu Lao. Almost all of the hotels can arrange for day tours and for trips. They were easy to talk to also. It is even easier to travel in Vietnam and Cambodia than in the Philippines.
2. The food in Saigon! It didn’t disappoint although I wasn’t able to meet the Lunch Lady due to time constraints. I particularly would not forget the seafood pho in Pho 2000 and the iced coffee in the streets of District 1. I feel sorry that I didn’t buy coffee to bring home in Ben Tanh.
3. The heat and the humidity which after a few days I got used to. I was sweating like a horse when I arrived in Saigon while looking for Yellow House Hotel. Ditto when I was in Siem Reap, while climbing and walking around the temples. I didn’t sweat this much in my entire stay here in Cavite.
4. The boat ride back to Saigon from My Tho via the branches of Mekong. Actually, I was expecting that we’ll go out to the sea but we didn’t. The sights, sound, smell…. It was really a sensory overload. The part I liked most was when we were nearing Saigon and the sun has already set. Everything there just seemed right and Pasig seemed to be very different.
5. Popular Guesthouse, although it may have looked different years ago. The beds are wide, rooms big and the staffs are accommodating. Also their television has a Philippine channel, Knowledge Channel nga lang.

The things I least liked, on the other hand, are:

1. The “tourist price” mentality of some locals both in Saigon and Cambodia. Tourists are usually given higher price on food and goods.
2. The bus ride from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap and back. Going in, the bus was small and the seats are really not comfortable. On the bus back, the problem was my seat mate who wanted to occupy my seat! Some parts of the road are also as rough as Philippine roads.
3. The hotel-keeper in Phnom Penh whom I asked about buying a ticket to Saigon but assumed that I was booking with him. I purchased a ticket in front of Tuol Sleng, and, guess what; he got mad that I didn’t purchase my ticket through him.
4. The beef amok I ordered in the restaurant of Popular which was too sauce-y, broth-y. The beef were swimming in the bowl.
5. The hotel in Bui Vien that kept my passport and demanded to see the receipt which was deep in my already packed bag.
6. I find it hard to fully comprehend maps. It’s the reason why I opted to take the half day city tour being offered by SinhTourist.