Monday, November 10, 2008

Approaches in Planning

I got this from a module in planning by UP Solair:

Approaches in Planning
(Can also have other uses.)

1. The infiltration approach. Offering the plan portion by portion.

2. Mass-concentrated approach. Opposite of #1 focusing on comprehensiveness and urgency.

3. Sowing the seeds on the fertile grounds. Convince those that are favorable to the plan first, they will facilitate approval.

4. Confuse the issue. Focus is diverted to side issues rather than the real issues so that participants get tired and frustrated, and time is used up. When this is the scene, present real issues for approval.

5. Use of strong handed techniques. Use of pressure such as key leaders or top executives.

6. Pass the buck. Blame is passed to someone else. One group takes the controversial tasks and another takes non-controversial for easy approval.

7. Time is a great healer. Prevent immediate decisions.

8. Strike when the iron is hot. Emphasize that time is of the essence.

9. Two heads are better than one. Get allies.

10. Divide and rule. Provide conflict in the group so that a third force is able to swing for action.

#10 is very divisive. #3 & #9 are better. Have fun experimenting. :=)